Hubert Shum 

Durham University – Professor and Director of Research 

Hubert is a Professor of Visual Computing and the Director of Research of the Department of Computer Science at Durham University, specialising in modelling spatio-temporal information with responsible AI. He has authored over 180 research publications in the fields of Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning and Biomedical Engineering. He is a Co-Founder and the Co-Director of Durham University Space Research Centre. He has led research projects as the Principal Investigator awarded by EPSRC, the Ministry of Defence, the Royal Society and Innovate UK. He has also been a Co-Investigator in NortHFutures, a £4.17 mil EPSRC project to establish a new digital health hub in North East England. To engage academic and industrial networks, he has chaired international conferences such as Pacific Graphics, BMVC, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics SCA and ACM SIGGRAPH MIG.