David Dexter 

Parkinson’s UK – Director of Research


Professor Dexter joined Parkinson’s UK on the 1st of March 2017 and became Direct of Research on the 1st of April 2023. David has 37 years research experience in Parkinson’s, 24 years of which was spent at Imperial College London where he was Professor of Neuropharmacology and Deputy Head of The Division of Brain Sciences. His research team made significant contributions into understanding the molecular mechanisms that cause Parkinson’s and in the development of novel therapeutics and founded the Parkinson’s UK Brain Bank in 2002. At Parkinson’s UK he manages the charities grants funding programmes, external research communications and involvement of people affected by Parkinson’s in research. David also manages Parkinson’s UK’s strategic partnerships such as the Critical Path for Parkinson’s etc. and is the biology lead in the Parkinson’s UK Virtual Biotech programme.